The images of beaches bring to mind leisurely walks, cool breezes, nighttime fires with friends, and sure death silently lurking just below the surface. It is all Steve
Spielberg's fault. He has forever changed the phobias of people every where. Jaws has scared everyone out of the water. Shark week is upon us and the carnage is real. Mr.
Spielberg was just the tip of the iceberg. Sharks are
deadly, but just one of the millions of awful ways to die in the ocean. We all know about drowning in riptides and undertow, but how about getting stung by a ray? Step on a rock fish and you are done before you know that you are done. I just saw that there is a massive increase in the population of box jelly fish. That's just what the world needs.
Human beings and dogs have really no chance in the water. It is not our domain. On land we can run, stand our ground, or call for backup. In the ocean you can't out swim any predator, there is no standing your ground, and good luck with calling for backup. Let's face it; we need to stay out of the ocean and just enjoy it from the safety of shore. Let the nasty mammal killing machines own this piece of real estate.
Everyone who Steven Spielberg scared out of the ocean should be thankful. You are living a better life just watching from the shore.
I have a ridiculous but very real fear of stingrays. And this started BEFORE Croc hunter. That incident only intensified my fear.